
EnviroSustain presents its sustainability research for download, and copyright remains with the authors, as referenced, or as cited. If the material is copyrighted using Creative Commons licences, other arrangements may be possible after negotiation (e.g. re derivatives).

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2023 ANZAScA – Building a healthy, zero-carbon ecovillage: innovative homes meeting a high-performance building standard

Building a healthy, zero-carbon ecovillage: innovative homes meeting a high-performance building standard

2021 Cooling Your Home – Home Retrofits, Appliances and Adaptions for a Hotter Future – free eBook

2017 AIRAH and IBPSA Conferences – Decarbonising the Australian Housing Stock for Climate Change

(Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating, International Building Performance Simulation Association conferences)

2017 Shiel-IBPSA-DecarbonisingOzHousingStock v5.5_FinalDraft

2017 PLEA – Adapting to a Warmer Climate – Affordable Low-carbon Retrofits and Occupant Options for Typical Australian Houses

(Passive and Low Energy Architecture conference)

2017 Shiel PLEA_Adapting to a Warmer Climate v1.3

2017 ASR – Ventilation strategies for a warming world

(Architectural Science Review paper & book chapter)

2017 Aynsley-Ventilation strategies for a warming world

2017 ASR – The importance of air movement in warmer temperatures: a novel SET* house case study

(Architectural Science Review paper & book chapter)

2017 Shiel-The importance of air movement in warmer temps- SET

2017 WREC book chapter – Rapid Decarbonisation of Australian Housing in Warm Temperate Climatic Regions for 2050

(World Renewable Energy Congress XVI conference)

2017 Shiel-WREC-Rapid Decarbonisation of Oz Housing v2.0_gd

2013 Newcastle BZE Buildings Plan Launch

Here are the presentations from the launch of the Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE) Zero Carbon Australia Buildings Plan in Newcastle at the Hunter TAFE Hamilton campus on the 14th November, 2013.

The goal of the plan is to have all Australian buildings being zero carbon in 10 years with current technology. It was a 3-year collaboration of BZE and Melbourne University’s Melbourne Energy Institute, with the help of around 100 of Australia’s best engineers, architects, academics, builders and advisors.
Dr Stephen Bygrave, the Beyond Zero Emissions CEO was the MC on the night, and he set the scene by explaining:

  • the implications of dismantling the Carbon Pricing Mechanism. These included not having a legislated cap or limit on emissions in Australia; and the removal of the key institutions and bodies that give independent climate change advice.  Steve said that carbon pricing sets a signal that businesses incorporate into their investment decisions well into the future and provides certainty for them, and
  • that the average global temperature is increasing 10 times faster than ever before and that we are losing one species per day since they cannot adapt.
  1. Trent Hawkins – ZCA Buildings Plan

There were interesting preliminary talks on commercial, residential and education building sustainability, and these were provided by:

  1. Dr Daniel Rowe, CSIRO’s Project Leader of the Solar Desiccant Air Conditioning System. Dan showed how this new solar trigeneration system works (there is no copy of this presentation)
  2. Andrew Bagnall, GHD’s Leader of Building Engineering & Sustainability. Andrew explained some great innovative concepts in making commercial buildings sustainable
  3. Andrew Bagnall – GHD Solutions
  4. Dan Daly, the University of Wollongong’s “Illawarra Flame” Design Team Member Design Team Member, who was on a Skype session from Wollongong. Dan showed the incredible effort that was put in by all the students into winning the world solar decathlon for sustainable houses, and
  5. Dan Daly – Fibro Retrofit
  6. Hunter TAFE’s Kevin Bryan, the Communication and Engagement Lead of the Digital Learning Project. Kevin , showed Hunter TAFE’s award-winning developments and the new Sustainability Associate degree that has just been finalised. Trent Hawkins, the BZE Director of the Buildings Plan and a mechanical engineer, launched the plan and showed that across all Australia’s buildings we could achieve a:
  • 53% reduction in residential energy usage,
  • 44% non-residential energy usage,
  • 33,000MW installation of rooftop solar based on estimated roof constraints, and
  • that the initial investment would be offset by savings on energy bills.
  1. Kevin Bryan – TAFE

2011 ICEM chapter – Reducing Housing Energy for 2050 with Peak Oil & Climate Change

(the inaugural International Conference for Energy and Meteorology 2011)

The abstract is published here.

2011 Shiel ICEM Paper Chapter 27 Shiel v1.3_FINAL

2010 SOLAR paper – Method for Practical Zero Carbon Refurbishments: Residential Case Study

(48th Australian Solar Energy Society – AuSES – Annual Conference)

2010 SOLAR paper; A Method for Practical Zero Carbon Refurbishments: A Residential Case Study

ANZAScA 2010 paper – Practical House Zero Carbon Refurbishment – please cite as indicated

(2010 Australian and New Zealand Architectural Science Association)

2010 Shiel et al Paper ANZAScA10 v3_final

2009 iNTA-SEGA paper – Reducing Greenhouse Gases in Tropical Cities

(3rd International Tropical Architecture (iNTA) Conference & 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Architecture (SEGA))

See paper.

2009 Shiel et. al iNTA-SEGA_Text Proof

2008 Architectural Science Review – Practical Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies for the Existing Building Stock

The abstract and paper are published here or view or download below.